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The plastic pollution is quite obvious by now.
If you're on our web page, you're probably curious

about what you can change to minimize it.

DOBA Studio exists to reduce plastic waste.
Sometimes we do it through boosting recycling, 

other time by adopting zero waste lifestyles,

from time to time we organize educational workshops.
Whatever works.

Seeing people in the local community as the key element to fix this mess,
counting on people to bring the necessary change.
Small steps, multiplied by millions. That's how we can win our battle.
We don't believe in techno-utopian, fix-it-all, dream technology.

Being very inspired by the idea of Precious Plastic.
It is a combination of people, machines, platforms and knowledge
to create an alternative global recycling system. 
Thanks to Plastikowa Rewolucja in Warsaw where they showed
how to do it, I decided to spread this further - in Edinburgh!

Everyone can change the world (yes you too!)

Bart ✌️

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